Wittman Logistics Onsite Diesel Fuel Testing and Filtering Services
Offering Onsite Diesel Fuel Polishing and Treatment.
Contact us today to avoid costly repairs and out of service equipment!
Safely recover, recycle, and reuse diesel fuel that might otherwise be discarded or become a major problem for diesel engine reliability. Wittman Logistics offer a professional, cost effective, environmentally sound solution for diesel fuel and tank contamination problems.
Why do you need to maintain diesel fuel?
Modern diesel engines have absolutely no tolerance for old or contaminated fuel. Stored diesel fuel has a shelf life of 6 months at ambient temperatures of 86° F or 6-12 months at ambient temperatures of 68°F. Diesel fuel kept in service past these periods will become unusable without a regular diesel testing and fuel polishing program in place. Fuel contamination of some type can usually be found in 90 % of diesel fuel tanks and this is the undisputed biggest cause of diesel engine problems.
Eliminate power outages of your critical emergency power systems
Eliminate costly insurance claims from machine breakdowns
Kill and remove microbial growth
Improve the overall quality of your fuel and boost C-tane levels
Reduce the microbial growth
Eliminate problems with blocked filters